A Weekly Community For Middle & High Schoolers
Middle & High schoolers gather every Sunday evening from 6:30pm - 8:00pm to build community and grow in their faith. Our student ministry may not look like other student ministries, but that is what we love most. We have four environments that help our students grow in their faith, serve our community, and help more of their friends know and follow Jesus! To stay up to date with what is happening you can contact our student team or text the word “student” to 833.899.4176
Different Environments?
This is a night that we will create an atmosphere where students can invite their friends. The evening will be fun, have food, and there will be a teaching by a Village Point team member.
This will be a time where we will dive deep into scripture and have a small-group type setting. Students will discuss and wrestle through scripture together. There will be snacks and the evening will wrap up with teaching from a Village Point team member pulling everything together.
We want to be active in our community. Just as Village Point often throws Village Parties, our students will participate in opportunities to serve our community. We are building out those opportunities and are pretty excited about them. In addition, serve nights are also great opportunities for them to invite their friends.
This is a night where we will have food, games, worship and teaching from a Village Point team member. Worship nights will be engaging and fun and a great opportunity for teenagers to invite their friends to join.